The network of Italian yachting professionals
AYBI was founded in Genoa in 2021 by some of the best-known successful Italian yacht brokers. AYBI aims at creating a professional network for exchanging experience and innovation, in Italy and abroad, that would represent Italy, the world’s leading country in superyacht building. The trade areas with which AYBI will deal include sales, chartering, management and all issues concerning the yachting world.
Member companies are different from each other but keep their own character within AYBI while working in agreement on relevant sectorial issues and materials. The Association will provide a considerable boost to development in the field of yachting thanks to the members’ know-how and professional expertise, in order to develop the major topical issues that will in turn be on the agenda.
AYBI members are Maritime Brokers or are anyway empowered to conduct business in their country of residence. They all subscribed a liability insurance for their professional activity, for the safeguard of all parties involved.

AYBI member BROKERS are maritime and yachting professional who will assist sellers, buyers and charterers in yacht sale or chartering.
All Italian AYBI members are registered in the Maritime Broker roll, while non-Italian members are all certified approved professionals in their own country. They are all members of international trade associations (MYBA : The Worldwide Yachting Association, ECPY: European Committee Professional Yachting) to which they are admitted after a strict selection based on professional and ethical standards.
The broker’s major tasks include: regular checks on yachts for sale or chartering, marketing of yachts on world markets, professional advice on the industry’s international regulations, contract consultancy, handling of possible litigations, role as guarantor and depository of sums transferred by the parties involved while waiting for the completion of buying or chartering transactions.
All AYBI member Brokers only handle chartering or buying/selling contracts that are accepted by the major trade associations in the industry (such as theMyba Charter Agreement orMoA), an additional benefit for clients who choose to charter, sell, or buy with the intermediation of an institutional Broker who will protect their business interests.
administrative board

Paola Gatti

Corrado di Majo

Angela Zurlo

Nicola Iacono

Michelangiolo Venturi

AM Charter


Blue Trend


Flying Charter


Given For Yachting

Levante Yachts


M Yachts

Ocean Yachting


SSY charter

Silver Star Yachting

Individual Members
AYBI enrolls the main Italian maritime broker companies. Some of them began their activities over thirty years ago, and were witnesses, with a leading role, to the evolution of their business over the years in parallel with the amazingly successful production process by the great shipyards that made Italy the top world manufacturer in the yacht industry.
Such a close relationship, such an excellence, deserves to be represented not only by individual businesses but by a professional community that gathers together the best leaders in the sector and organizes their activity so as to express a shared vision,while applying coordinated operating rules resulting fromin-depth analyses, debates, shared implemented decisions.
Such a synergy, such a joint effort, are crucial in order to foster any relation with the Italian and European agencies which establish the operational, bureaucratic, and fiscal rules concerning our specific world: our voice, the voice of people who abide by common ethical and professional rules will be carefully heard. It is true that union is strength, it is true that when alone it’s easier to run… but together we can go very far!